Eventbrite Refuses to Sell Tickets for Tennessee Eagle Forum’s COVID-19 Event


Members of the Tennessee Eagle Forum used Eventbrite to promote a forthcoming event to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, but Eventbrite officials later removed the ad because they disapproved of the subject matter.

The event, titled “Whistleblowers: On the Deceptive Agenda Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic,” will present information about “propaganda involving PPE, respiratory protection, masks, lockdowns, vaccinations, and the weaponizing of our government agencies to implement the Great Reset.”

This, according to an email and a notice that Tennessee Eagle Forum members emailed and also published online on Monday.

“Our event ‘Whistleblowers’ featuring Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan was de-platformed by Eventbrite due to ‘a violation of their community guidelines,’” according to the Tennessee Eagle Forum’s notice.

Eventbrite officials told the Tennessee Eagle Forum that they do not permit people to share or promote “potentially harmful misinformation.”

“As a result, your event listing has been removed and any paid orders have been refunded,” Eventbrite told the Tennessee Eagle Forum.

Tennessee Eagle Forum members said that they will refund anyone who had already purchased a ticket through Eventbrite. They also said the process may take 48 to 72 hours.

“The TN Eagle Forum Foundation is committed to hosting this event,” according to the notice.

“We firmly believe that the information presented will be powerful and persuasive in exposing the true agenda behind the politicization and weaponization of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Clark, according to the Tennessee Eagle Forum’s notice, has more than 20 years of experience in the field of occupational safety and health. She is also a court-approved subject matter expert on PPE, respiratory protection, and has worked as a legal expert witness in several court cases.

Meghan, meanwhile, has worked in the field of occupational and environmental toxicology and as a senior industrial hygienist for more than 18 years, according to the Tennessee Eagle Forum.

In their online notice on Monday, members of the Tennessee Eagle Forum said they were working to provide a new option for people to purchase tickets.

Early Tuesday, the grassroots conservatives posted their event on Ticketspice. See details and buy tickets here.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Whistleblowers on the Deceptive Agenda Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Tennessee Eagle Forum Foundation.






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One Thought to “Eventbrite Refuses to Sell Tickets for Tennessee Eagle Forum’s COVID-19 Event”

  1. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    I just deleted the app. Thanks.
